Menopause fitness Exercising in menopause

MenoPower Ignite: Embracing Change with Strength

Welcome to the MenoPower Ignite programe

A 12-week journey designed exclusively for women aged 40 and above who are seeking to reclaim their vitality and well-being during their menopausal phase of life.

MenoPower Ignite is for you if you are:

  • Struggling with weight gain, especially around your middle
  • Don't know where to start
  • Frustrated by menopausal symptons
  • Want guidance to regain your vitality & enjoy life again
  • Are finding what you use to do to lose weight, get fit in the past is now not working
  • You feel saddened by the way you look & feel
  • Lacking confidence, motivation
  • Want to prepared yourself for the future - where you are strong & full of energy
  • Want to start weight training, get fit and be stronger

What's in the package

Begin your journey with a thoughtful exploration of your aspirations, medical history, current fitness level, and the unique experiences you’re facing, including weight management and the effects of menopause – (up to 60 mins)

From there you will receive:

  • 12 x 1 on 1 sessions per week (40 minutes) either online via  ZOOM  or if you live locally – you will the have option of coming to see me face 2 face
  • Sessions that focus on proper exercise form, progression, and motivation
  • Training sessions and program designs that are fresh, purposeful and geared towards you gaining strength, building muscle, gaining fitness with a variety of innovative and and evolving training methods that can be adapted as necessary. Embrace the joy of celebrating every step forward, whether they’re small victories or significant milestones, as we kindle and sustain the flame of motivation together in each session.
  • 3 x personalised programs for the duration of 12 weeks for you to do outside our sessions at home – Wk 1, Wk 4/5 and Wk5/6 – you will need a pair of 3kg & 5kg dumbbells, plus some booty bands and a mat if you are a beginner.  If you are more advanced you will need to add some 8kg and 10kg dbs to the mix
  • Weekly planning guidance, to make sure you have a clear plan and can fit it into your schedule
  • 3 x Nutrition Planning Sessions -via ZOOM -assisting you in making thoughtful food selections that not only aid in weight management but also provide relief from menopausal symptoms
  • Discover resources that help you manage portions, conquer cravings, and embrace the nourishing power of every nutrient.  Please note that I am not providing a meal plan as I am not a registered dietitian or nutritionist – should you require a more specific plan I can put you contact with someone who specialises in this area
  • A private FB community for all women who are on or who have done MenoPower
  • Free E-books – recipe ideas & Thrive with Fi
  • Access to my On-demand Library of Workouts – recorded ZOOM sessions that you can follow along to