Online & Face 2 Face Training

Group Fitness

The perfect fitness solution women who don’t want to join a gym!

Strength & Fitness sessions!


Mondays – 5.45pm – 6.35pm

Wednesdays – 5.45pm- 6.35pm

Saturdays – 8am -8.50am


PTFit Face 2 Face group sessions are not your typical “bootcamp” but instead are for women in or approaching their 40’s & beyond who just want to feel amazing & move their bodies in a way that is suitable to them while gaining strength & fitness & living a lifestyle that is right for them – one where they are in control

Each session is different with modifications as needed to suit your current ability, fitness level & respect your body!  

You can be reassured that you won’t be asked to do hundreds of star jumps, burpees and crunches!  These are sessions for women who have are wanting to train in a warm, welcoming, environment with other women who look like them – not your 20 or 30 something girls!  We are all about respecting the body, what it can and can’t do and progressing you slowly without the fear of injury or making you feel uncomfortable.

Expect specifically designed sessions that are safe for you and that will ensure you will look and feel your best, become strong, fit, toned,  have endless energy & confidence which will enable you to lead a beautiful & abundant life!

  • No need to join a gym
  • Push to point of exhaustion or pain
  • Feel embarrassed because you don’t know what to do
  • Feel like you can’t keep up because you’re not “athletic enough.” 
  • Dread the thought of drawing attention to yourself or being criticised

With PTFit there will be no yelling, no getting super dirty, feeling super uncomfortable or asking your body to do things you just know it can’t!

We are not your typical boot-camp!   We are instead a bunch of friendly, welcoming women!  Each session is different, motivating and fun all with a focus on getting you the results you want with your health & fitness & helping you to feel amazing & live life your way!

By joining the PTFit community you will be joining a place where you belong!

Come along and try a FREE session first.

Meet all the current members, experience a session and find out how you can start your own journey to living life your way – feeling amazing, confident, strong & in control!

Join us in Halswell.

Outdoors over Summer – Indoors come Winter


More than just training...

For women who wish to workout/train using methods that get amazing results, but who also don’t want to hurt themselves, feel uncomfortable, do any long term damage to their bodies, who have injuries or limitations that need modifications.

We are for women who still have a lot of life to live but just need an alternative to the “general population” of training options out there.

Find a place where you belong!

These Group Sessions (not boot-camp) offer you:

  • Women specific body care options that are safe & gets results!
  • An understanding of current body limitations/fitness with many different options to modify but still get you results!
  • Over 15 years experience training women with proven results!
  • A new way of training so you can live the life the way you want, in a body that is strong, fit & healthy & where you are in control of you!
PTFit Women's Only Group Fitness