Happy in Menopause

Focus on You, be Happy!

Welcome to June ladies!

The month where you can focus on you and make yourself happy??
The month where you make s*&# happen, the month you dig deep and focus on you and your wants, your desires, your dreams??
This should be every day, every month. But I get it – life events get in the way and we have to pivot and sometimes we give up the things that make us happy first!
But not this month – this month even if you have to take a giant side step and you get off track – you are going to reset and pivot back towards the direction you want to be going!
I am going to set you a challenge- I want you to commit to a minimum of 2 strength sessions a week.
Not sure where to start? Please get in touch – I can offer you options to get you started today – from personalised 1 on 1 sessions to my face to face group sessions to ZOOM options for both group and 1 on 1’s!
Also check out and join my private free FB community group for some free circuits to get you started!
Now look at your schedule – can you fit in 3?
Yes then do it!
Allow rest days – days where you don’t push yourself – days where you just go for a light walk or have the day off completely – these are so necessary for your recovery and will help you reach your goals – but….only if you are doing the 2-3 days of strength training to compliment it!!!
Next – take time to look at your nutrition – now we are pass the years of dieting!!!
Yes? Yes!!!
We all know what to eat, what we should avoid, reduce etc!!
But did you know that as we move into our perimenopausal and menopausal years you actually need to eat more not less?!!!
The key macronutirient is protein – as we age we lose lean muscle and to help counteract this, we need to consume more protein – especially after a workout!
So within 1/2 hour of your workout – aim to get at least 20g of protein right up to 40g of protein if you can!
Food Challenge – Try to aim for 40g protein at every main meal!
If you are a women who exercises on purpose – you are an athlete and therefore you need to eat like one so your body can serve you well and perform all the tasks you want it to while you are going through your menopausal journey and this includes eating differently to how you did in your 20’s and 30’s!!!
How to get extra protein?
We should always try to aim to eat real food first & foremost and get our carbs, fats and protein from food sources for – but sometimes we are just too busy, or we need a quick fix where we know we have got the job done!
This is where protein can help!
Add the powder to your breakfast-
  • porridge
  • cereal
  • make a chia pudding with – chia seeds, oats, protein powder your choice of milk – blend it up – stick it in the fridge and in the morning – add a piece of chopped fruit to it (I like kiwifruit) and even a couple of dollops of Greek yogurt!
  • eggs on toast with avocado, spinach, mushrooms, tomatoes, hummus or a nut butter!
  • An omelette with lots of veges and bit of cheese
  • HOT TIP – blend frozen cauliflower into your smoothie – it has a little bit of protein (5g/180g) and it blends up like banana and taste similar too!!!  Add spinach, nut butters – your choice of milk & piece of fruit – frozen blueberries – chia seeds – whatever suits you – let me know your favourite!

With your plate especially at dinner – it should be half made up of colourful veges & fruits – put your protein on top and then have a side or an accent of your whole grain.

Are you ready to make this your month – where you reset and refocus and put yourself first?

Let me know what you are feeling right now, what is happening to your body and if you are in charge and control of how you think your life should be!

You don’t have to do anything alone – empower yourself with knowledge so you can move through this time in your life thriving and with confidence!

Big hugs to all of  you, who don’t feel themselves right now and can’t figure out why!

Today is the day, you can ask yourself – am I in perimenopause?  Is this the reason?